
Is coffee bad for my teeth?

Coffee is a good antioxidant that contains several compounds which are known to affect human body chemistry. The coffee bean itself contains chemicals which are mild psychotropic. The primary psychoactive chemical in coffee is caffeine, which acts as a stimulant. A 2012 study published in the New England Journal of Medicine found that coffee drinkers “who drank at least two or three cups a day were about 10 percent or 15 percent less likely to die for any reason during the 13 years of the study. Other studies have suggested that drinking 3-5 cups a day could reduce the development of, among others, Alzheimer, Parkinson, gallstones, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, cancer and improve short term memory.

When it comes to teeth, we have some different opinions. Some say that, coffee drinkers are very familiar with the unpleasant tooth staining that forms on their teeth, just the way it forms on the coffee mug. Good brushing and periodic visits to the dentist should eliminate these stains. However, heavy stains on teeth could act as a retention mean for germs, which in turn could lead to tooth decay and gum tissue inflammation. Other studies have suggested that coffee beans have an antimicrobial effect on S. Mutans (the bacteria that cause tooth decay). Some studies shown that, coffee could even interfere, or inhibit bacterial cells adhesion to the teeth.

In summary, drinking coffee comes with a lot of medical benefits (unless your medical doctor have suggested otherwise). So I suggest that you enjoy your coffee, and drink moderately, don’t forget to brush and floss properly. Remember to contact us for your periodic checkups and cleaning to remove stains, and if needed whiten your teeth.
